Friday, August 14, 2009

Man Bites off Part of Doctor's Finger

7:40 a.m. update

The man detectives say attacked his doctor, biting off part of the doctor's finger, has been arrested.

Gregory Scott Powell, 45, of 4833 E. Riverside Drive, Fort Myers, is in the Lee County Jail this morning on charges of aggravated battery on a person age 65 or older after he allegedly bit off part of a doctor’s finger.

From Thursday's The News-Press

By Denes Husty III

Dr. Paul Arnold turned his back for a moment on a patient who was upset because the doctor wouldn't write him a prescription.

That's when the patient, Gregory S. Powell, 45, of Fort Myers, allegedly attacked Arnold, 65, biting off part of one of the doctor's fingers.

"The doctor just turned his back on him for a moment to do something on the computer and he was viciously attacked," said Sgt. Lisa Barnes, Cape Coral police spokeswoman.

Detectives are searching for Powell. They have an arrest warrant charging him with aggravated battery on a person age 65 or older. That charges carries a maximum 30-year prison sentence.

The attack was reported by the doctor's staff Wednesday morning at Arnold's office on Cape Coral Parkway. Arnold, who has 29 years of experience, practices family and emergency medicine.

Officer Saturino Perez said that, when he arrived, paramedics already were treating Arnold, who was taken to Cape Coral Hospital's emergency room and later released.

The doctor said that Powell became "upset about not receiving a prescription medication," Barnes said.

Powell then "proceeded to bite Doctor Arnold several times, including a bite that actually removed a piece of a finger, including the finger nail," Perez said.

Arnold did not return calls for comment.

His staff said he is expected back in his office today.


Stories like this make me cringe. Obviously the patient isn't well, but his illness certainly can't be cured by the prescriptions he was asking for from the doctor. But as I read this story I realized something important: we all bite off doctor's fingers.

Allow me to explain. The role of a doctor, we realize is to help people (soon all doctors will be helping people for free, leaving stoplights as the only remaining barrier to achieving heaven on earth...but I digress). Here the man is going to a doctor whose role is to help others with his specialized expertise, yet the helper is the one who is attacked.

The doctor is human and fallible, and, while he certainly didn't deserve to be bitten by this crazy (and possibly rabid?) man, he himself has certainly had his own moments when he mistreated someone, even if it was as simple as cutting someone off in traffic.

God, however, is completely perfect and completely helpful to us, yet we as a humanity have turned our backs on Him. Even Christians have their moments of sinning against God. Part of this is a process for us to realize our sin and make corrections, drawing closer to and becoming more dependent upon God. But we are guilty of attacking the Good Doctor, nonetheless.

I don't have the gift of mercy, and I'm a little too proud of that fact. The other week I was with some youth, and we decided to play a new game. As I called everyone together, with the intent of explaining the rules, a seventh grade girl asked with a voice dripping of superiority if I was going to at least let them know how to play. It was my moment to rise to the challenge and quip back to her. In a patronizing tone I reminded her that I did, in fact, know what I was doing, and I thanked her for her untimely interruption, which was keeping us all from hearing the rules.

Should I have more grace? Knowing that from time to time we all attack the helpers in our lives; knowing that the Ultimate Helper also displays ultimate patience with all of us; knowing that the next time I bite the helper I would appreciate some grace and patience - I guess so...but I don't have to like it!

Posted via web from Kev the Rev's posterous

Friday, July 3, 2009

Turkish TV gameshow looks to convert atheists

Turkish TV gameshow looks to convert atheists

Fri Jul 3, 2009 8:21am EDT

By Daren Butler

ISTANBUL (Reuters) - What happens when you put a Muslim imam, a Christian priest, a rabbi and a Buddhist monk in a room with 10 atheists?

Turkish television station Kanal T hopes the answer is a ratings success as it prepares to launch a gameshow where spiritual guides from the four faiths will seek to convert a group of non-believers.

The prize for converts will be a pilgrimage to a holy site of their chosen religion -- Mecca for Muslims, the Vatican for Christians, Jerusalem for Jews and Tibet for Buddhists.

But religious authorities in Muslim but secular Turkey are not amused by the twist on the popular reality game show format and the Religious Affairs Directorate is refusing to provide an imam for the show.

"Doing something like this for the sake of ratings is disrespectful to all religions. Religion should not be a subject for entertainment programs," High Board of Religious Affairs Chairman Hamza Aktan told state news agency Anatolian after news of the planned program emerged.

The makers of "Penitents Compete" are unrepentant and reject claims that the show, scheduled to begin broadcasting in September, will cheapen religion.

"We are giving the biggest prize in the world, the gift of belief in God," Kanal T chief executive Seyhan Soylu told Reuters.

"We don't approve of anyone being an atheist. God is great and it doesn't matter which religion you believe in. The important thing is to believe," Soylu said.

The project focuses attention on the issue of religious identity in European Union-candidate Turkey, where rights groups have raised concerns over freedom of religion for non-Muslim minorities.

Detractors of the ruling AK Party government, which is rooted in political Islam but officially secular, accuse it of having a hidden Islamist agenda, a charge it denies.

Some 200 people have so far applied to take part in the show and the 10 contestants will be chosen next month.

A team of theologians will ensure that the atheists are truly non-believers and are not just seeking fame or a free holiday.

(Writing by Daren Butler; Editing by Dominic Evans)

Interesting game show idea. Maybe the US will have a version of this show before too long. I do like the oh-so-hokie quote from the guy who says that it doesn't matter which religion you follow, so long as you believe. What if my religion believes that gravity is nonsense and I jump off a building? (It doesn't, by the way).

The lesson in all of this: it is impossible to run out of reality show ideas.

Posted via web from Kev the Rev's posterous

23rd Psalm Video

I thought that this was a well done video for Psalm 23. I've seen plenty of cheesy ones, but this one I like. I don't know how well the music fits, but at least it isn't cheesy.

I found a neat explanation of each line of the Psalm at  I think it originally came from somewhere else, but here it is:  

The Lord is my Shepherd -- That's Relationship!

I shall not want -- That's Provision!

He maketh me to lie down in green pastures -- That's Rest!

He leadeth me beside the still waters -- That's Refreshment!

He restoreth my soul -- That's Healing!

He leadeth me in the paths of righteousness -- That's Guidance!

For His name sake -- That's Purpose!

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death -- That's Testing!

I will fear no evil -- That's Faithfulness!

For Thou art with me -- That's Protection!

Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me -- That's Discipline!

Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies -- That's Hope!

Thou annointest my head with oil -- That's Consecration!

My cup runneth over -- That's Abundance!

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life -- That's Blessing!

And I will dwell in the house of the Lord -- That's Security!

Forever -- That's Eternity!

Posted via web from Kev the Rev's posterous

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Great joke - "Bubba's choices"

Bubba's sister was pregnant and was in a bad car accident, which caused her to fall into a deep coma. After nearly six months, she awoke and saw that she was no longer pregnant.. Frantically, she asked the doctor about her baby.

The doctor replied, "Ma'am, you had twins - a boy and a girl. The babies are fine. Your brother came in and named them."

The woman thought to herself, "Oh, no! Not Bubba; he's an idiot!"

Expecting the worst, she asks the doctor, "Well, what's the girl's name?"

"Denise," the doctor answers.

The new mother says, "Wow! That's a beautiful name. Maybe I was wrong about my brother. I really like that name...'Denise'...What's the boy's name?"

The doctor replies, "Denephew."

Take some time on this one. If you don't get it right away, that's fine. Just keep thinking. Once you get it, thank God for intelligence and for people like Bubba who make us all feel better about ourselves.

Posted via web from Kevin's posterous

Friday, June 26, 2009

Learned about the girl who doesn't age.

Doctors Baffled, Intrigued by Girl Who Doesn't Age

Years Pass, but Brooke Greenberg Remains a Toddler. No One Can Explain How or Why.

By BOB BROWN June 23, 2009

Aside from being WOW-ed by Brooke's story, I think it describes many Christians. Our spiritual development is often way behind schedule. At 16 years of age, Brooke Greenberg's development lies somewhere between infant and toddler. That's exactly what Paul faced with the Corinthians when he wrote to them in 1 Corinthians 3:1-2:

1Brothers, I could not address you as spiritual but as worldly—mere infants in Christ. 2I gave you milk, not solid food, for you were not yet ready for it. Indeed, you are still not ready.

It isn't just the Corinthians who have struggled with this. Christians every day are acting like children. Brooke should be thinking about driving, but she is still being pushed around in a stroller. What is the spiritual equivalent of driving? I'm really not sure, but I do know that God has called His children to handle much more responsibility - we simply have kept ourselves from being able to progress to that level.

What can you do today to grow spiritually?

Posted via email from Kevin's posterous

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Getting settled

So here I am, attempting to get settled into a new position at a new far so good. One of the things I get to realize is that it takes a lot of time (and a lot of headaches) to transition from one place to another, and here's why:
  • Moving - who knew we had so much stuff? Moving is a hassle. Just a small example: I couldn't find my jacket. It was just a light duty jacket that I didn't think I'd need in early May, but sure 'nuff, it has been cold and rainy. Lotta stuff.
  • New faces - I'm preparing myself to introduce myself to someone for the fourth time, only to be embarrassed by the person's reaction, not to mention those standing around me. It's tough to meet a lot of new people, especially when they all know you.
  • New setup - I've got a new computer to match the new job, but that can be like importing a headache. Some of the downloads aren't working right, and the wireless still isn't connecting. If you're a Mac user, you have my permission to lecture me on the reasons why Mac is better than PC...just don't expect me to listen to you. If your Mac cost about two grand less I might have an open ear. Suffice it to say that whatever time you think it will take to set up computer-related things, double it. Better yet, triple it.
Those are only a few things, but there are also several benefits. I don't think that God wants us to be too comfortable in life. Comfortable people don't do much. They just sit there while the world slips away. If you think you may be comfortable, do something to "fix" your situation. I'm fully expecting to be stretched in ways I never dreamt. My plan is to whine to God along the way (but in a good way, if there is one). So I'm happy, ready to grow, and ready to gripe when things get out of hand. It's the Christian thing to do, right?

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Starting out

I'm just starting out in the blogging world.  My goal is to get used to this and hopefully be a resource and help to others as I slowly try to figure out life.